125 : Carry Balls.
Origin : The hand gesture for PLP is to bend the middle and ring fingers, with the remaining 3 fingers slightly bend and pointing upwards.
Thumb, Index, Pinky = 1st, 2nd, 5th fingers
Beethoven : 背多分 (chinese) = Back scores more points = The back view (of a person) is more attractive than the front.
(Nothing to do with the musician in any way)
Bun Knife : Bao Toh (hokkien) = To tattletale on, blow the whistle, snitch
BMW : Bus MRT Walk. Refers to 3 cheapest mode of transport.
Cannon Fairy : (chinese, Cannon = 大炮, Fairy = 仙) = Someone who is full of hot air, talks big with no substance, bullcrapping.
CMI : Cannot Make It
Emo : Emotional
FTW : For The Win
GIYBF : Google Is Your Best Friend. A polite way of telling someone to use Google to search for whatever he/she is looking for.
GX : Gong Xi (chinese) = 恭喜 = Congratulations
HMV : Home Made Video
KPKB : Kow Peh Kow Bu (hokkien for Cry Father Cry Mother) = Making a lot of noises or complaints.
MHBP : Mai Hiam Buay Pai (hokkien) = Don't be fussy, it's not (that) bad
MKLGHLG : Mai Ka Li Gong Hor Li Gian (hokkien) = Don't want to tell you, let you yearn for it
MYOB : Mind Your Own Business
NATO : No Action Talk Only
NHNT : No Head No Tail. Use in a thread that does not seem to make any sense.
NMNHNLM : No Money No Honey Nobody Love Me
No Horse Run : Boh Bey Zhao (hokkien). Use to describe someone/something that is so ahead of its peers/competition that nothing else can be compared to it.
Origin : From horse racing jargon?
NPNT : No Picture No Talk
PDF : Pedophile (probably originated from the misspell word "Pedofile", which gives raise to the acronym PDF)
Pwn : Implies domination and/or humiliation of another person. Originated from the typo mistake of "Own".
Robert : A person who 1) overpays for something, 2) pays for something not worthwhile, 3) pays for something he's not expected to.
Origin : Comes from the chinese/hokkien saying "砍菜头".
菜头 = Radish = 萝卜
萝卜 sounds like "Robert"
Run Lion : (hokkien, Zao2 Sai1 跑私) means to commit adultery, cheat on your partner. Originally, 走私 (chinese) or 跑私 (hokkien) means trafficking. In hokkien, 私 and 狮 (lion) sounds alike.
SIC : Sharing is Caring. Use when asking others to share something desirable (eg. information, links, photos)
Sofa : First reply (mainly used in chinese forums).
Origin 1 :
In some early chinese forums, a person started a thread to share some sexy pictures.
Someone then replied, "Very nice, going to sit on sofa and PCC".
From then on, whenever some good pictures were shared, people will post "sit sofa".
By and by, noble people who do not know the original meaning, thought that "sofa" refers to the first reply posted.
Origin 2 :
"首发" which means first post, sounds like "Sofa"
SYT : Sweet Young Thing
TKK : Tan Ku Ku (hokkien for Wait Long Long) = Something that you say in order to tell someone that an event is not likely to happen = Don't hold your breath.
TMM : Tian Mi Mi (chinese "甜蜜蜜") = Sweet like honey. Use to describe the feeling of very in love.
Transformer : A transexual person
Up Lorry : Means dead or is in serious trouble.
Origin : From a coffin going into a hearse. A lorry is commonly used as a hearse in Singapore.
WOLS : Slow (reverse spelling)
YNTYNK : You Never Try, You Never Know
i like ur post. it reflect the real life of Singapore =D