Praying Mantis - My Guardian for the Night
My Nose start Bleeding the Moment We arrived at the Village, it was mainly due to the Hot Weather. There is an Old Wives Tale where eating of Rotten Banana Soak in Water for few day will Cure My Nose Bleed. I would not dare to try that cause I am very sure my Ass will start to Bleed for at least a few days if I do.
Wedding Tradition
According to Hainan Tradition the Bride had to stay at Her Home for at least Three Days before Married to the Groom. She will also had to Remain at the Groom House for Three Days before She Return to Her Parent House. The Bride Parent will Buy Home Appliances for Downy.
Me and My Wife had to finish the Old Hen all by Ourselves so that We will Conceive a Child according Their Old Wife Tales. So We Decide to Try another Made In China again but this time is at a Totally Different Environment. It is kind of Exciting as We had to do it without Locked Door and Closed Window and We had to do it as Quietly as possible so as not to Disturb Other nearby.
Pineapple take One Year to Grow, Pepper take Three Years while Rubber and Lychee take Eight Years. The Children's here did not have much Things to Play with, just some Wooden Sticks and Stones. By making some Paper Airplane for Them is enough to make Them Happy and keep Them Entertain for few days. I became the Famous Paper Airplane Uncle in the Village.