Saturday, October 2, 2010

中国神话故事 Chinese Mythology

盤古 Pan Gu the Giant spilt the Universe into Heaven and Earth and support the Heaven on his shoulder. This is very similar to Atlas of Greek Mythology where he also support the Heaven on his shoulder. The Big Bang Theory where the Universe was created must have some connection to this Legend.

女媧 Nu Wa the Goddess which created Humans out of Clay is very much similar to God in Christian Bible during the Genesis. 伏羲 Fu Xi and 女媧 Nu Wa is the first couple which is having a half human and half serpent body, they are like Adam and Eve in the Christian Bible during the Genesis.

女媧 Nu Wa also later repair the fallen Heaven when 共工 Gong Gong the Flood God destroy the Pillar which supported it when he lost the battle against his father 祝融 Zhu Rong the Fire God. 共工 Gong Gong is known to have nine heads which is very similar to the Hydra in Greek Mythology. This had cause Fire Balls and Great Flood to fall on Earth and 禹 Yu the Great later take over his father 舜 Shun role to control the Flood. This encounter of Great Flood is similar to Noel Ark which save all animals in Christian Bible and Manu in Hindu Rig Vedas which save all seeds of plants. The Legend of Lost City of Atlantis which occur during the end of Ice Age when the North Pole and South Pole shifted to Equator due to Asteroid hit and cause the Ice to melt down.

后羿 Hou Yi is the Hero who shoot down Nine of the Ten Suns which bring Great Drought to the Earth, he was rewarded with a Elixir which allow him to become Immortal. His wife 嫦娥 Chang Er taken the Elixir by mistake and Fly to the Moon and become the Moon Goddess. This is the legend behind the Moon Cake Festival during Mid Autumn.

牛郎 Niu Lang (Cow Boy) saw Seven Fairy taking a bath at the Lake, he steal one set of clothing so that one of the Fairy could not return to Heaven. The Youngest Fairy 織女 Zhi Nu (Tailor Girl) stay back and married 牛郎 Niu Lang (Cow Boy) and they live happily ever after and have two child. The Goddess of Heaven knew about it and order 織女 Zhi Nu(Tailor Girl) to return back to Heaven, the couple were separated from each other and only allow to meet once a year on Seventh Days of Seventh Months at Magpies Bridge. This is the Legend behind the Seventh Eve Festival during the Seventh Days of the Seventh Months.

There is a Monster named 夕 Xi (Eve) or 年 Nian (Year) which come to Earth every year to eat Humans, it was later discovered that the Monster is afraid of Red Colour and Loud Noise. So all people will wear Red and burn Fire Cracker on New Year Eve and New Year to chase away the Monster. So the Night before Chinese New Year is called 除夕Chu Xi (Rid Eve) and Chinese New Year is call 过年 Guo Nian (Past Year).

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